Health Benefits of 3 Day Detox Diet Plan

3 Day Detox Diet Plan. A three day detox diet plan will help eliminate the harmful deposits piled up in the body and these may soon cause damage to your well being.

You will only eat either raw fruits or raw vegetables for the next three days. So forget about cooking them.

Tea, coffee, or sodas should be avoided and only have water or juice that is freshly squeezed.

So you do not feel hungry, plan your menu so you know what to serve for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you see that they do not taste good, just keep an open mind and who know? You might get to like it.

Don’t just stick with one variant but mix others as well, as this will ensure that you get the right amount of nutrients. Since you’ll need protein, add some nuts and sprouting beans if you have them in the kitchen.

One example will be to include a cup of whole grains like brown rice together with buckwheat and amaranth. You can surely mix this with some servings of fruits and vegetables. If you have never tried this before, it wouldn’t hurt to eat one of these raw.

Another example will be to make a salad. If you want to add salad dressing, use either natural oils or vinegar. Examples of natural oil include coconut virgin oil, fish oil or olive oil.

Aside from the two mentioned, there are other recipes you can make so do some research or bring out one of your old cookbooks.

In addition to eating  fruits and vegetables, you will also have to take 2 doses of kidney and liver tonic. You can make this at home by mixing two cups of dandelion, a clove of fresh garlic, chamomile or fennel tea. A few other concoctions include drinking pure vegetable juice like carrot or beetroot, a medium bunch of black grapes, or two cups of parsley or yellow tea.

Water is Very Important in 3 Day Detox Diet
Young woman drinking water. In order to make sure you drink lots of water for the next three days. If you have some fruits at home, put them in the juicer which is a good substitute for your water intake. The objective of keeping yourself hydrated is to help you flush out the toxins through your urine or waste.

Remember that any diet you will ever hear about will tell you that this should always be combined with an exercise program. Something light which you can start doing is walking for about 20 to 30 minutes. This should help increase your metabolism, work up a sweat and give you increased levels of energy.

After about three days, you can now go back to your regular diet. Did you really expel those toxins out of your system? That is very hard to say because scientists don’t have a clue whether this actually happened or not.

Some say that you should do this monthly as a way to regulate the toxins but if you want to find a long term solution rather than a quick fix, make some lifestyle changes because this is much better than a three day detox diet.